

Wine and restaurant reviews

Oct 252017
Durham Wine Finds

Gabriele and I are just back from a week in Durham, NC. We rented a house through Airbnb in a laid back neighborhood not far from the campus of Duke University. It was a fun week, and we enjoyed some new wines while we were there. Hands down the best meal we had was at […]

May 152017
Fine Savannah Dining

We’re just back from a week spent in Savannah, Georgia. It was a relaxing holiday with a lot of good food, and the finest meal we had out was at the well-known Savannah landmark Elizabeth on 37th. As you can see in the picture above, you walk up to a beautiful old mansion in the […]

Apr 212017
Affordable Bordeaux Redux and Other New Favorites

I’ve written previously on this site about the challenge of finding affordable Bordeaux wine. The wines are out there, but the average wine drinker needs help deciphering which ones deliver good value. Fortunately, the metro DMV area has a number of excellent wine stores that can help. I’ve written previously about Calvert Woodley in DC, […]

Dec 312016
Work, Wine and Wheels New Year's Eve Triple Shot

Merry New Year! It’s been a great year at Work, Wine and Wheels, though the time demands of my consulting firm again cut down on the number of stories published. Before the clock runs out on 2016, here’s a final post touching on all three site topics. On the Work front, I’m thankful that StoryTech […]

Nov 142016
Fall 2016 at Calvert Woodley

It’s fall in the greater Washington region, so that means it’s time for the Calvert Woodley wine sale. I received the new catalog a few weeks back. Calvert Woodley is a venerable presence in DMV (the District, Maryland and Virginia) wine circles, with co-founder Ed Sands celebrating 50 years in the business this past July. […]

May 162016
Guicciardini Tuscan Wine Dinner

This week Gabriele and I attended an Italian wine dinner at Riverbend Bistro, a favorite neighborhood spot. The theme was wines from Tuscany, including Castello di Poppiano, which was already a favorite of ours. Our evening was made more special by being seated with the two presenters of the wines. One was the importer Brennan […]

Apr 122016
Brabo in Old Town Delivers

Recently Gabriele and I enjoyed a true dining experience at Brabo, a Belgian restaurant in Alexandria next to the Lorien Hotel and Spa. We have enjoyed their Tasting Room bar area next door a few times, but this was the first time in the restaurant itself. We had a great meal. The appetizers were a […]

Jan 192016
Good Times with B.R. Cohn Cabernet

In recent weeks I’ve enjoyed three Cabernet Sauvignons from the B.R. Cohn winery in Sonoma, California. Bruce Cohn purchased the property in 1974 and is the manager of the Doobie Brothers band.  He started the winery in 1984. All three bottles were excellent examples of quality California Cabernet. We’ve enjoyed the 2014 Silver Label, the […]

Oct 222015
Quality French Fare at Bistro L'Hermitage

Living in Alexandria, VA, my wife and I usually head north when going out to dinner, either Old Town or D.C. Recently we headed the other way and drove down to Woodbridge for a quality French experience at Bistro L’Hermitage. Good friends of ours recommended it, and we’re glad they did. The restaurant is an […]

May 072015
Crivelli Wine Dinner

This week Gabriele and I attended a wine dinner at River Bend Bistro, a favorite neighborhood spot. The featured wines were from Crivelli, a producer specializing in lesser known varietals from Monferrato, in the Piedmont region of Italy. Crivelli wines are distributed by Downey Selections, and owner Brennan Downey sat with us for dinner. Downey […]

Apr 062015
Dinner at Le Diplomate

This weekend we caught up with some old friends over dinner at Le Diplomate. This relatively new French place in the Logans Circle area of DC has received a lot of good press and it was on our list for places to try. So when my best friend’s wife picked it for his surprise birthday […]

Feb 162015
Pinot Noir for a Healthy Lifestyle

A fantastic source for information on Pinot Noir is The Prince of Pinot, published by retired physician William “Rusty” Gaffney. Since retiring from his practice in 2001, Dr. Gaffney has written the PinotFile, an online newsletter exclusively devoted to Pinot Noir. As a retired doctor, Gaffney has long been interested in research attempting to document […]