Apr 172013
CMI pie chart

image courtesy of CMI

Is content marketing done differently depending on organization size? That’s the focus of a new study from the Content Marketing Institute.

CMI defines an as over 1,000 employees. One of the reasons this study got my attention was because that dividing line roughly describes my agency’s two main types of clients. We tend to work for the field marketing groups of big corporations, and for mid market growth companies.

The presentation is embedded below. Here’s how the findings of this study matches my first hand observations.

Slide 8 — Brand awareness is the top objective for enterprise marketers. I’d disagree here, since the primary goal for my clients is supporting sales. However, I will say that the marketing teams at larger clients often put more value on other benefits of a quality content marketing engagement — things like traffic growth, connections with influencers and earned media.

Slide 12 – A higher percentage of enterprise marketers outsource content creation. This I agree with, marketing leads at larger organizations are often overextended and value outsourcing for additional resources and for a fresh perspective that can help maintain editorial excellence.

Slide 13 — How enterprise marketers tailoring content. I find this has much more do with how well the organization has integrated its sales automation tool — for example Marketo, the sponsor of this report — than it has to do with company size.

Here are a few differences that aren’t included in the survey. Larger clients often have larger budgets to fund content marketing engagements. Engagements with big corporations can also include a political element as well. “We’ve got to keep this away from corporate” is a term I’ve heard more than once. Smaller companies often have better coordination between marketing and sales than do large corporations, which can be a big help when integrating content and lead nurturing.

What’s your favorite slide? Let me know how you create great content.



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