

Stories on the tech industry, content marketing and online sales enablement

May 132011
Burson and Facebook Embarrass Themselves

Previously on this blog I’ve stated that I love the B2B/B2G focus on my agency. We don’t try to sway the masses, manipulate legislation or try to rehabilitate the reputations of foreign dictators. We help our clients achieve their business objectives — sell more of their stuff/services to be blunt — using social media channels. […]

Apr 282011
Protecting Your Online Reputation - Yourself?

“Things published on the Internet live forever.” Most everyone has heard that maxim. In the earlier days of the Internet it meant be really careful about what you publish online, because it will never go away. That of course remains great advice. As the Internet has become more central to our lives the term has […]

Apr 192011
How to Address Government Data Security

Late last week I attended a federal data security event sponsored by Neustar. What impressed me about this event was the frank admission that sensitive data will be lost – the only issue is how to minimize the vulnerabilities and mitigate the inevitable losses. It was an intimate event with just two speakers. William Crowell […]

Apr 082011
Facebook for News, and SEO's Blackeye

Happy Friday all. In the past I used to occasionally write a Tech Roundup post on Fridays. I’m resurrecting the same concept today, but rather than straight technology I’ll try to share “news you can use” with a focus on social media best practices. The first thing that got my attention was Facebook’s launch of […]

Apr 042011

Last week I attended a useful discussion on the latest trends in Content Management Systems (CMS). It was organized by Hank Dearden’s Capital Cabal group, which is one of the better technology networking groups in the Washington, DC business community. Hank pulled together a good panel for this morning event at the City Club of […]

Mar 302011

Too many times when I talk social media with clients, they want to start with tactics not strategy. Facebook! Twitter! Q&A sites! The questions you should start with are — Why are you looking at social media, and what do you have to say? This is why a post early this month by Om Malik […]

Mar 252011
A Conversation with Ali Farshchian, Founder of CircleID

If you are serious about issues involving Internet infrastructure, then you’re probably a member of CircleID. It’s the online community where the “big brains” of the Internet go to debate Internet technology and policy. I’d never claim to be one of those big brains, but I’ve been a member since 2005. And during that time […]

Mar 112011

B2B publisher Penton announced today it purchased DC based online marketing firm EyeTraffic.  Due to the seismic changes that have buffeted b2b publishing in the past few years, this acquisition made a lot of sense to me. Trade magazines have been decimated by the rise of the Internet. As eyeballs moved online, the b2b publishing […]

Mar 042011

A few weeks ago I published a post about xtranormal, a free online text to video tool. It’s a fun way to create animated videos and inject a bit of humor into your communications. I’ve been around the domain name space for over a decade, and I’ve been following the new TLD story closely. Seems […]

Mar 022011

Twice in the past six months I’ve written about examples of poor technology reporting. These posts have been popular and have garnered a decent number of comments, including some who questioned calling out reporters publicly. Well, there is plenty of bad PR out there and it’s only fair I highlight that side of the story […]

Feb 252011

Wow, that didn’t last long. TBD, a hybrid of a traditional broadcast affiliate and a community news web site that launched last August, announced major changes including staff cuts yesterday. The question is — was this marriage doomed from the start, or is there a broader message here for the hyper-local business model? Like a […]

Feb 222011
Domainers -- Natural Born Killers of New TLDs?

I truly started utilizing LinkedIn only about three years ago. I had created my account years before, but it was in 2008 that I spent a little time and discovered the value LinkedIn can deliver. One of the best things about LinkedIn is how self-identified audiences form around specific topics to share information, network and […]