

Stories on the tech industry, content marketing and online sales enablement

Jan 242012

Last week I came across a new survey on corporate social media adoption. It was published by SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management. To my read it contained both encouraging and sobering statistics on how companies are trying to incorporate social media into their operations. The survey universe was a randomized sampling of 532 […]

Jan 102012
The Race to be the OS of Life

There is a battle going on now among technology companies. They all want to be the online entry point for consumers, the operating system for everything we do digitally. I’ve written previously on this topic, calling it an updated version of the old portal strategy from early Web days. I think that comparison is accurate […]

Jan 062012

According to the login page for, there are almost 385,000 bloggers using (and hundreds of thousands more using WP software). Considering those numbers, the end of year report from WordPress is impressive. It’s got to be an investment to send this report to every blogger. Here’s a link to the presentation of […]

Dec 272011

2011 is almost in the books, and it delivered plenty of good material for Work, Wine and Wheels. I’ve a lot to be thankful for, including an increased number of readers. Here’s a look back at some content that proved popular with them. For Work posts, I tried to discuss important trends in technology communications. […]

Dec 212011

It’s been a good 2011 for my firm Strategic Communications Group. Our brand of b2b and b2g social media marketing has been adopted by clients such as Microsoft, British Telecom, Neustar, Polycom, EMC and Pitney Bowes, plus many fast growth companies that aren’t (yet) familiar names. All this despite an uncertain economic climate and the […]

Dec 132011
Why the Web is More Concept Than Protocol

John Battelle wrote an excellent piece today. George Colony of Forrester grabbed some headlines by explaining how the Web is dead, and being  replaced by a hybrid of applications linked by the Internet. Battelle lays out how what most people mean by the Web is made up of principles, not protocols. How the online world […]

Dec 092011
Can Facebook and Privacy Co-Exist?

Last week the FTC announced a settlement with Facebook stemming from charges it misled users about the use of their personal information. The agreement calls for the company to submit to independent privacy audits for the next 20 years. Here’s coverage from Mashable and the Wall Street Journal. Another interesting take on the news was […]

Dec 022011
How Much Can You Automate Influencer Tracking?

If you’re in any type of communications role, you know every vertical has influencers. How to automate finding them, scoring them and cultivating them is a rapidly expanding cottage market within the broader social media marketing space. Marc Benioff of has brought his formidable promotion skills to this space. Salesforce acquired social media monitoring […]

Nov 292011

Last week I had two online services fail, and I needed customer service fast. The experiences made me stop and think about how much I use free (or almost free )services daily, and if them being free changed my service expectations as a user. On 11/17 this  WordPress blog, which I’ve published for four years, […]

Nov 182011
Taking the Anti-SOPA Message to the People

It’s been fascinating this week to read coverage of congressional hearings around the SOPA bill, or Stop Online Privacy Act. The bill has strong support from the Motion Picture Association of America, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and big pharmaceutical companies. It’s opposed by most technology and telecom companies, plus consumer advocate groups like the […]

Nov 152011
Driving Traffic With Twitter

One of the things I do regularly for clients is drive awareness of their news through social media channels. So I read with interest an article from Mediabistro’s PR Newser about comparing Facebook vs. Twitter for driving traffic. PRNewswire worked with the social media company CrowdFactory to analyze activity around press releases over a period […]

Nov 042011

I read a good article this week on CircleID by Bruce Levinson. He talks about how eventually cybersecurity will be something the federal government regulates, alongside other more familiar types of activities such as financial transactions and the environment. You can disagree about the proper role of government in the regulation of private networks, but […]