Feb 122008

Here’s that survey I hinted at in the post last week and released today at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. M:Metrics and Tellabs surveyed 34,000 mobile TV users in Europe and the U.S. last year. Here’s the verdict:

The Good: The market grew 36%, and is estimated to be a $270M opportunity

The Bad: Former users grew 68%, faster than the market growth. Too many people don’t like the experience and are dropping.

According to this study, mobile TV needs to improve to win broad consumer acceptance. Here’s the full release:


  3 Responses to “Latest Survey on Mobile TV — Not Ready for Prime Time”

  1. Chris, thanks for sharing the mobile TV report. It jibbed quite nicely with the point Ton Yager of InfoWorld makes in his blog today, ie, we need better and nice mobile app experiences now.

    I wrote about it on my blog: http://majka.blogspot.com/2008/02/where-are-cool-mobile-apps.html


  2. What is mobile TV?

    Watching on ?

  3. Mobile TV taked its name from mobile devices. It is becoming more and more popular. For example in Poland the biggest news station will start mobile broadcasting trough mobile TVN24 http://mtvn24.pl

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